POST Form with Lynx [SOLVED]

Jean Francois Ortolo ortolo.jeanfrancois at
Sat Dec 6 13:49:57 UTC 2003

  I apologize for my stupid question.

  After a few research on Google, the response is:

echo "day=01&month=12&year=2003" | lynx -post_data http://<url> > file

  There is no particular problem, though the output is in plain text 
instead of html.

  Thank you very much for your help.

  Jean Francois Ortolo

On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Jean Francois Ortolo wrote:

> Hi
>   I apologize to ask for such a general question, if you could give me 
> some links to the lynx options, perhaps it might be better.
>   I wish to automatically submit a POST Form with the three datas: day, 
> month, year with precomputed values, to a web site, using lynx, then 
> retrieve the resulting html source page, 
> and redirect it to a local file.
>   This might be done either from a Bash Shell script, or a PHP script, for 
> I have Apache and Linux RedHat9 on my computer.
>   The lynx man page shows me the "-post_data" lynx option, allows 
> to do this, but doesn't give the precise format of the post datas to be 
> entered into stdin ( or by piping those from a file ).
>   May I be allowed to ask you to say to me, the way this can be done ?
>   Thank you very much for your help.
>   Best regards.
>   Jean Francois Ortolo
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