Nautilus Scripts

Dexter Ang thepoch at
Mon Dec 15 11:06:32 UTC 2003

Ow Mun Heng <ow.mun.heng at> said:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Vikram Goyal [mailto:viki at]
> > Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 8:29 PM
> > 
> > The script seems interesting. Can you post it to the list inline so
> > that whoever finds it fit can have it.
> This is from another site I found on the net
> #!/bin/sh
> # 
> # Add a new text file in the current directory.
> # Script prompts you for the name and if it already exists,
> # then the [ number] is incremented until unique.
> #
> # Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2 or later
> #
> # Copyright (C) 2001 Johnathan Bailes (bailesj at
> # based on work by Jeffrey Philips
> New_Document="`gdialog --title "Name of New Text file?" --inputbox "Name
> the New Text file?" 200 100 2>&1`"
> echo "$New_Document"
> if ! [ -a "./$New_Document.txt" ] ; then
>   touch "./$New_Document.txt"
> else
>   while ! [ "$retry" ] ; do
>    let $((COUNT++))
>     if ! [ -a "./$New_Document($COUNT).txt" ] ; then
>         touch "./$New_Document($COUNT).txt"
>         retry=1
>     fi
>   done
> fi

here's my code. as you can tell, it's based upon the one above. i took
into consideration how nautilus returns the location of the desktop.
and basically combined both "asking mode" and "non-asking mode" for
the filename generation. plus, i think i had problems with the script
above whenever there are spaces in a directory. it would attempt to
create multiple files because of the spaces, and result in error.
maybe it only happened to me...

# Add a new text file in the current directory.
# Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2 or later
# Copyright (C) 2003 Dexter Ang [thepoch at
# based on work by Jeffrey Philips and Johnathan Bailes
# and a script I found on

#	- Never tested with an invalid directory. Don't know how.
#	- When you enter a blank filename, it generates a .txt hidden file.
#	- There's probably more.
# 2003-12-08 Dexter Ang [thepoch at]
# Modified for Nautilus 2.4
# -- now detects if executed on desktop "x-nautilus-desktop:///"
#    so that it creates the file in /home/{user}/Desktop

# Remove comment to set Debug Mode. Displays crucial variable values

# Remove comment to automatically generate filename. Set to 1 to ask
for filename

# Set the default extension of your preference here

# Function for displaying variable values and anything else I want
debug() {
	[ -n "$DEBUG_MODE" ] && gdialog --title "Debug Mode" --msgbox "$*"
200 100

# This gets the current directory. It is "space-space" as it replaces
%20 with spaces
Current_Dir="`echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI" | sed -e
's/^file:\/\///' -e 's/%20/\ /g'`"

# Added 2003-12-08 Dexter Ang
if [ $Current_Dir == "x-nautilus-desktop:///" ]; then

debug "Current_Dir = $Current_Dir"

if [ $ASK_MODE == "1" ]; then
	debug "In Ask Mode"
	New_Document="`gdialog --title "New Filename" --inputbox "Enter a new
filename" 200 100 2>&1`"
	if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
		debug "Canceled"
		exit 1
	debug "In Non-Ask Mode"
	New_Document="New Text Document"
debug "New_Document = $New_Document"


# If file doens't exist, touch it
if ! [ -a "$Current_Dir/$New_Document.txt" ] ; then
  touch "$Current_Dir/$New_Document.txt"
# else, go loop until you get a number that works!
  while ! [ "$retry" ] ; do
    let $((COUNT++))
    if ! [ -a "$Current_Dir/$New_Document($COUNT).txt" ] ; then
        touch "$Current_Dir/$New_Document($COUNT).txt"

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