redhat-config-xfree86 enhancement?

John McBride jmcbride at
Wed Dec 17 00:01:04 UTC 2003

William Hooper wrote:
> John McBride  said:
>>It would be nice if this s/w caught the error happening when the current
>>configuration is out of range for the monitor, and offer to wipe out the
>>config file and start over.
> The software has no sure way to figure out the config is out of range.  If
> it gets the DDC(?) info from the monitor I don't believe XFree86 will let
> it use out of range settings.
> As far as redhat-config-xfree86, doesn't the "--reconfig" switch do that?
>       --reconfig    don't base configuration on existing config files

There is no man page for it and forgot to try "--help". My bad for that.

Still, for all the effort that goes into things like kudzu and anaconda, 
it seems inconsistent that just changing monitors sends X off into lala 
land with no recourse except a technical support call. These boxes are 
for end users, don't really like escalations for dumb things like this.

It's just one of those annoying things that Microsoft handles better, I 
guess. At least MS gives you something, a low res gui and a means to get 
to the configurator, without having to resort to the command line.

r-c-x prints an error message at the end, not sure what since I was on 
remote when it happened, so there must be some way to detect that X 
isn't firing, maybe it could at least say "try --reconfig" or "--help"?

Or maybe, as you say, the way Linux and X architectures just don't lend 
themselves to this kind of fault tolerence and recovery. Note that I 
referred to this as an enhancement, not a bug.

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