Fedora stability

Daniel Robitaille fedora at robitaille.fastmail.fm
Wed Dec 31 18:26:05 UTC 2003

the update config files simply need to have more mirrors in them; maybe
have half a dozen of mirrors for everyone (then randomly selecting one
each time an update is done; I know that yum can do that; not sure about
up2date); or less mirrors pre-defined but more geographically-based.

And during the install, fedora knows where you are in the world (when
selecting your time zone), so it could be easy to be done there, so that
all new installation of Fedora uses different sources.  Adding the same
update/yum single source for everyone by default seems to be causing
more and problems to the the newbies, especially when the error messages
you get back when the redhat.com updates server is unacessible are less
than obvious.

I know personally, once I went out of my way to modify my yum/conf to
add mirrors closer to me (and stayed clear of the redhat.com one), the
update process started to be a lot more smooth on my machine.

On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Mike Klinke wrote:
> There's too much history already for my grey cells to sort it all out
> but what seems to be the most pressing problem today is that up2date
> is configured out of the box to use the very same repositories that
> are intentionally bandwidth limited to anyone except repository
> mirrors.  This results in a rather bad taste due to transfer rate and
> dropouts to someone who's expecting to get their box updated in a
> reasonable time.  Unfortunately, this problem is only going to get
> worse as the number of updates increases.  
> A question for anyone "in the know": Is this a problem that will be
> addressed either in the near term or should this be something that
> should be entered bugzilla? It's more of a process problem than a bug.
> Regards,  Mike Klinke
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Daniel Robitaille

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