where to get fedora

Niels Weber nath at snafu.de
Thu Nov 6 16:10:12 UTC 2003

Am Do, den 06.11.2003 schrieb Mogens Kjaer um 12:35:
> I got around 0.5 - 1 Mbytes/sec with BitTorrent.
> It took two hours to get the 6 CD's.
> Remember, if you don't allow others to download from
> you, you'll get very low priority.
I allow others to download and I upload a lot, still my torrent is
running very slow. I'm downloading for 16 hours now and there are still
around 100MB missing. It was much better with the Betas. I guess it's
because many people are now using Bittorrent for the first timeand don't
have their firewall pierced. And because most people shutdown their
client as soon as they got everything instead of uploading at least as
much as they got. :(

If I'd used ftp, I would have finished the download overnight and wasted
someone elses bandwith, nor my own. I like Bittorrent but that makes you
Niels Weber <nath at snafu.de>

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