yet another UPDATES question (or two)

Doug Brott brott at
Tue Nov 18 22:44:13 UTC 2003

The repository is probably being updated as you speak .. patience. 
If not, the repository is corrupted  and will still result in failures. 
This is what you are seeing.

Marc Williams wrote:

>I just nosed around the Fedora updates directory and noticed a couple
>new ones that hadn't been there earlier - VNC, to be specific.  I hadn't
>received any announcement of them in the Fedora Announce list but that
>might just be a timing thing.  So I glanced down at my RHN Notification
>icon to see if it showed a red bang but it was still a blue check.  Only
>when I manually told it to "Check for Updates" did it then turn into a
>red bang and tell me that there were two updates available.
>Then, after telling up2date to retrieve and install the updates, I
>received this warning message after it downloaded one of the VNC files:
>The package vnc-server-4.0-0.beta4.3.2 does not have a valid GPG
>signature.  It has been tampered with or corrupted.  Continue?
>1) Is the Notification Tool not working?
>2) What should I do about that warning?  For now, I told it not to
>1) Am I going to have to manually tell it to check for updates
Doug Brott
brott at

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