Installing testing packages with yum

Grizzly(Francis Smit) grizzly at
Fri Nov 28 05:09:03 UTC 2003

Christoph Wickert wrote:

>Am Do, den 27.11.2003 schrieb Jorge Castelao um 18:55:
>>I want to install the testing package gimp-1.3.21, which is in the
>>testing directory of
>>I have in my /etc/yum.conf the line:
>>But when I run 'yum install gimp' or 'yum update gimp' I have the
>>message 'gimp is installed and is the latest version' (the version I
>>have installed is 1.2.5-1
>>What am I doing wrong?
>The package is called gimp2
if I may make a suggestion run
yum list available
yum list "*gimp*"
yum info "*gimp*"
#first to get the exact package names etc ...
also you can do
yum list available|less
#in another shell for reference, however if you do scroll to the end first
so yum passes it all to the pipe and exits. else you'll get an error due to
trying to run two copies at once. :-D

In my life God comes first.... but Linux is pretty high after that :-D

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