hoax or bad taste joke by Redhat's CEO?

Justin L Croonenberghs danruiid at geekstuff.info
Wed Nov 5 05:35:15 UTC 2003

Justin L Croonenberghs
Webmaster/Owner, Geek Stuff

Sometimes, I even update.

"Never memorize what you can look up" - Albert Einstein

Alexander Dalloz said:
> Am Mi, den 05.11.2003 schrieb Justin L Croonenberghs um 06:05:
>> Why not? He's being honest. Can you honestly imagine your grandma
>> picking
>> up a computer and then finding out she needs to edit her /etc/inittab?
> Despite I even can't imagine her picking up any computer that is a funny
> image.

My grandma is a wiz ad her computer now...it's scary!

>> :-)
>> Linux is still too much of a "geek" operating system. You're not
>> thinking
>> like a consumer; they want the thing to work, work now, work without
>> their
>> intervention, and they *simply don't care* how it functions. Much like
>> cars, really.

> No, for me linux is in no way more "geeky" than Windows[tm]. I agree,
> for many users a computer just has to work. but those do not need more
> than 5 keys or they are confused by possibilities.

Well, since you are subscribed to the Fedora list, I'm assuming you know
your way around computers...I've learned that people, as a whole, are very
imtimidated by the world of computing, and so they immediately latch onto
brands they know. Which is why I don't believe I'll live to see the end of
Windows. (maybe I'll be proved wrong)

>> And Windows XP really isn't bad; it's a good, modern OS (though
>> architectually needs work), that's fast and reliable, and compared to
>> the
>> abomination that was Windows Me, it's a Godsend. Remember, your average
>> consumer knows absolutely nothing of the computing world; that's how AOL
>> made all its money.

> I have enough experience with Windows[tm] to know that the "easy,
> intuitive, reliable, ... computing with Windows XP[tm] is just marketing
> schmock. And to what it leads you see with all these worms spreading
> around and interfering even experienced users who know what they do (my
> mail account is still flooded by this damn Swen virus coming from these
> nice Windows[tm] machines).

Well, worms are a problem. THe biggest problem in the Windows codebase as
I understand it is that Windows 5 is a transitionary OS. Transitionary to
... something. We'll see.

>> Cheers!

> Good morning America :)

11:34 PM CDT over here...so not really :-)

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