Updating options

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Sun Nov 9 23:13:20 UTC 2003

On Nov 9, 2003 at 17:01, Neil B. Cohen in a soothing rage wrote:

>I have used up2date for a long time with Red Hat systems. I've been
>reading about people using both apt and yum recently. I see that yum
>exists on my Fedora system but apt (or apt-get) does not. Can someone
>tell me if I need to use either or both of these in addition to up2date?
>Instead of up2date? What repositories should I be pointing to for yum or
>apt-get? Is the standard configuration acceptable? If not, what should
>it look like??
Since you are already familiar with up2date, you can add both
apt amd yum repos to /etc/sysconfig/rgn/sources and continue
using up2date.

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