setting host name

Doncho N. Gunchev mr700 at
Thu Nov 13 09:24:17 UTC 2003

use redhat-config-network - the [DNS] tab.

On Thursday 13 November 2003 10:43, Don wrote:
> I have FC1 installed on two machines and I use ssh to log on from one to
> the other ...
> in the command window, each prompt is [don at localhost don]
> How can I name each machine so the prompt will identify the machine I'm
> on?
> I tried using the hostname command, but that didn't seem to work as I
> wanted.
> Logged on as root I entered: hostname natasha
> and the command appeared to work.... but then when I tried to start a
> console/terminal session, no window was displayed... I restarted the
> machine (shutdown -r now) and things reverted to the way they were... I
> could start a terminal window again, but again, the prompt says
> localhost.
> Any suggestions, or have I happened onto a bug?
> Thanks,
> Don
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  Doncho N. Gunchev

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