bug in network configuration

Matt Wette matt.wette at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 30 21:50:58 UTC 2003

I have a Gateway M500 notebook which has internal ethernet
and wireless connections.  When I installed FC1 the hardwire
port was named eth0 and the wireless port named eth1.  To
start I configured eth0 on and eth1 off at boot.

BUG: If I use the redhat-config-network tool and, under the Devices
tab, click no-profile for eth0 and profile for eth1 I find that the
Hardware tab shows eth0 and eth1 switched.  There is an inconsistency

I'd like to be able to get my machine up w/o networking and have
(eventually) a button that I can click to get the wireless working.
[I would like to live w/o the hardwire ethernet.  I can't see to 
get my notebook set up this way.]

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