newbie Telewest Broadband

Henry Widd henrywidd at
Sat Apr 3 17:24:09 UTC 2004

Hi, I am new to the whole Linux thing...bear with me. I have just got broadband installed - Telewest Blueyonder. I found some advice on the internet on how to set up RedHat for this - which basically said I could use <netconfig> to enter everything. This would be fine except that <netconfig> is not a command my computer knows. (When I tried to install the rpm, my machine tells mem that it IS installed already?! How can I use it?)
Anyway, the GUI tool on Fedora does not let me enter the MAC/Physical adress for my PC which is something that is required for it all to work. 
If you have any advice, or know of good tutorial/docs to help me pls let me know,

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