fstab problems

Joolz joolz at xs4all.nl
Sun Apr 4 20:34:20 UTC 2004

Since a while I have a PC with some USB ports, which give me some
problems. The setup is like this:

a normal cdrom, a cdrw, floppy drive, a digital camera (not always
attached) and a usb stick (also not always attached). This is my

LABEL=/           /             ext3        defaults            1 1
LABEL=/boot       /boot         ext3        defaults            1 2
none              /dev/pts      devpts      gid=5,mode=620      0 0
LABEL=/home       /home         ext3        defaults            1 2
LABEL=/opt        /opt          ext3        defaults            1 2
none              /proc         proc        defaults            0 0
none              /dev/shm      tmpfs       defaults            0 0
LABEL=/tmp        /tmp          ext3        defaults            1 2
LABEL=/usr        /usr          ext3        defaults            1 2
LABEL=/usr/local  /usr/local    ext3        defaults            1 2
LABEL=/var        /var          ext3        defaults            1 2
/dev/hda9         swap          swap        defaults            0 0
/dev/cdrom        /mnt/cdrom    udf,iso9660 noauto,user,ro      0 0
/dev/cdrom1       /mnt/cdrw     udf,iso9660 noauto,user,ro      0 0
/dev/fd0          /mnt/floppy   auto        noauto,user         0 0
/dev/sda1         /mnt/camera   vfat        noauto,user         0 0
/dev/sdb1         /mnt/usbstick vfat        noauto,user         0 0

I stopped running autofs some time ago because it kept on editing
fstab. I guess that's part of it's job, but I didn't like that.
Anyway, I would like to have each device have its own, constant
mounting point. This is a problem, when the camera isn't attached and
I pluging the usb stick, it's found on sda1. Also when camera or
usbstick are attached, they will occupy scsi location 0,0,0, which
gives problems with some cdrecord scripts.

Is there a way to make sure that everything is always mounted the
same way, and is always found on the same /dev entry, regardless of
what else is attached?


Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow) Linux 2.4.22-1.2174.nptl

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