[OT] RE: Xcdroast says my ATAPI CD ROM should be simulated SCSI

Ow Mun Heng ow.mun.heng at wdc.com
Thu Apr 8 01:58:46 UTC 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: fred smith [mailto:fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us]
Ow Mun Heng Wrote :
> > 
> > Huh... we're talking bout FC2?? I didn't see that statement.
> > It's actually depreciated in kernel 2.6, to be exact.
> > Since FC2 runs 2.6, that means it's depreciated.
> "D E P R E C A T E D", not "D E P R E C I A T E D".
> Two different words.

Not really.. According to Random House Websters
They are considered synonymous. But anyway.

de-pre-ci-ate (di pree'shee ayt )  v. <-at-ed, -at-ing>
                  1.  to reduce the purchasing value of (money).
                  2.  to lessen the value or price of.
                  3.  to claim depreciation on (a property) for 
                       tax purposes.
                  4.  to represent as of little value or merit; 
                  5.  to decline in value.
             [1640-50; < LL depretiatus undervalued, ptp. of 
             depretiare (in ML sp. depreciare) = L de- DE - + 
             -pretiare, der. of pretium PRICE + -atus - ATE 1]
   Derived words
             --de-pre'ci-at ing-ly, adv. 
             --de-pre'ci-a tor, n. 
             Usage. See DEPRECATE.

dep-re-cate (dep'ri kayt )  v.t. <-cat-ed, -cat-ing>
                  1.  to express earnest disapproval of.
                  2.  to urge reasons against; protest against 
                       (a scheme, purpose, etc.).
                  3.  to depreciate; belittle.
                  4.  Archaic. to pray for deliverance from.
             [1615-25; < L deprecatus, ptp. of deprecari to beg 
             relief from, deprecate = de- DE - + precari to 
   Derived words
             --dep're-cat ing-ly, adv. 
             --dep re-ca'tion, n. 
             --dep're-ca tor, n. 
             Usage. The most current sense of DEPRECATE is " to 
             express disapproval of. " In a sense development 
             still occasionally criticized, DEPRECATE has come 
             to be synonymous with the similar but 
             etymologically unrelated word DEPRECIATE in the 
             sense " belittle ": The author deprecated the 
             importance of his work. In self- compounds, 
             DEPRECATE has almost totally replaced DEPRECIATE 
             in modern usage: She charmed the audience with a 
             self-deprecating account of her career.

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