Problem with DHCP, /etc/hosts and GNOME

Keven Ring keven at
Thu Apr 8 18:51:10 UTC 2004

Satish Balay wrote:

>On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Julien Olivier wrote:
>>>You can also set DHCP_HOSTNAME in /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0
>>>(configurable by redhat-config-network)
>>Followinf your advice, I have added "DHCP_HOSTNAME=fedora" to my
>>/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0 file.
>>I have then restarted my network and still have the
>>"" hostname.
>I hope this is a bug (in the dhcp client scripts) that can be
>fixed. Otherwise I'm at a loss at explaining what the flag
>DHCP_HOSTNAME is for (it if doesn't work)
DHCP_HOSTNAME suggests to the DHCP server what your hostname is.  I'm 
not sure if the DHCP server is obliged to honor that request or not.  
I'm guessing not.  My guess is that this might be honored if the DHCP 
server turns around and updates DNS dynamically.  Otherwise, why should it?

Keven Ring               | "Oh no,  Not Again..."
The MITRE Corporation    |   Bowl of Petunias -
7515 Colshire Drive      |   The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
McLean VA 22102-7508     |
PH: (703)883-7026        |

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