Some problems getting started

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Sat Apr 10 19:03:11 UTC 2004

It would appear that on Apr 7, duncan brown did say:

> well, the big drawback to redcarpet is all they're really doing is
> mirroring redhat's fedora packages, not really adding anything to the
> mix.  (now, if there was ximian desktop with redcarpet, then i'd listen =])
> so, what this equates to the user (but not technically) is a gui yum.
> if you install apt/synaptic, then you have the added advantage of
> getting all of the extra packages that other people have created for redhat.
> -d

Hello Duncan, You make a good point in favor of apt/synaptic.
I'm still new to fedora, I only just now tried yum, and except for NOT
finding things like pine And LyX (which were both available for FC1 on dag)
I found it a good program. (in fact I especially liked it for it's
konsole interface that I suspect would still work at run level 3 in case
I trash X somehow (don't ask, I'm still not sure how I did it, but I once
managed to do that on a one of my linux installations...)

So I wouldn't change to a different installer/updater package to get a
slick gui interface. 

But getting access to those extra packages...

Actually I there was a pro redcarpet reference to a web based fedora core
1 discussion (I think it was this thread) But in it I found a pro yum
counter point with a link to a VERY comprehensive example yum.conf file
that included MANY repositories and mirrors, including dag.

Can you tell me of any reason besides a preference for gui
pretty-fication, That I should use either redcarpet or apt/symantic rather
than simply letting yum have this config.

And would you know how bad a possible conflict between fedora extras and
dag might get? The yum.conf example has comments that suggest:

## Alternate Repositories ##

# Uncomment these to use them -- note that some packages
# from these repositories may conflict with the
# packages. If you use these repositories, you may wish to 
# comment-out the and repositories.

I'd heard that the repository contained some unstables, So I
already commented out it and all the testing repositories in the yum.conf

My biggest question to you (and any other updated guru's here, is:

If I uncomment the dag and don't comment out the, is there any
likelihood of a conflict destroying my fedora's viability????

I mean if it's easy to identify the offending package and removing it
will unbreak whatever the conflict messed up, I'd like to leave dag
available ( I'm already using a manually installed the rpm for pine from
dag) And it would be nice to use yum to update it...


|  ~^~	 ~^~
|  <?>	 <?>		 Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|      ^		      J(tWdy)P
|    \___/		   <<jtwdyp at>>

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