HowTo: Port Fedora to another platform?

Jim Harris jharris1993 at
Fri Apr 16 01:51:48 UTC 2004

First:  Accept my apologies if this has been answered before - I did an archive search and did not find anything on this.
Second:  It is entirely likely that this particular list may not be the one I want - a pointer to the correct list would be appreciated.
What I have:
I own an Alpha Personal Workstation 500a (that I rescued).  I put some huge H/D's in it, and max'd the RAM.
I have downloaded and installed RH 7.2 for alpha on this beastie, and it works...  (It was, the poor sod, suffering with NT 4.0 before I loaded up RH on it!)
I have copies of RH-8, RH-9, and (as soon as the d/l finishes) Core 2 of Fedora.
What I want to do:
Given that I have a full-up install of 7.2, and the source RPM's of all three later versions, I would like to try my hand at "porting" one or more of these to Alpha.  (and, ultimately, generating install .ISO's)
Ideally, there is some method, makefile, script, or whatever.... that when I finish, I will have the equivelent of the RH / Fedora install CD's, with all the goodies.
I fully understand that this is a non-trivial task.
Why do I want to do it:
1.  Because I'm "... a sick, twisted little man"  Not to mention a glutton for punishment. ;-)
2.  "Because it's there"  The Alpha's a nice box, and I'd like to be able to use it for something other than a space-heater. ;-))
3.  Because I believe that, even if I fail, I will have learned a LOT about how all the pieces fit together and work.
4.  Because (IMHO) this is the way the Open Source community works - I have something I need done - nobody else has done it - I have the hardware and am willing to invest the time.
5.  If I succeed - I can u/l the ISO's for others to use.
Correlary:   Is there any kind of a "generic port to <platform>" doc?  Assuming that the knowlege of how to build a distro exists somewhere (and I am sure it does, distro's get built and packaged every day), how do -I- get -MY- grubby paws on it?
Again thanks for your patience.

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