FC1 and Laptops?

Martin Stone martin.stone at db.com
Thu Apr 22 13:56:08 UTC 2004

I'll chime in with the chorus and say "ThinkPad" - every ThinkPad I have ever 
had has run Linux flawlessly - and given that IBM now has by far the largest 
committment to Linux of any company that manufactures laptops, it's unlikely 
that they would deliberately introduce any incompatibilities.  In fact, if I 
recall correctly, not too long ago IBM was selling a T-series laptop that had 
some version of Linux pre-installed.

Unfortunately, there are no more ThinkPads in my future.  Ever since I got my 
PowerBook I can't even look at another laptop.

Ross M Karchner wrote:
> Hello-
> Can anybody recommend any laptops that work well with FC1? By "works 
> well" I guess I mean that things like power management, sleep/awake with 
> the closing of the lid, and (if present) video acceleration are all well 
> supported .
> Failing that, are there any to avoid?
> -Ross

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