init script THANK YOU

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at
Thu Apr 22 14:53:06 UTC 2004

Am Do, den 22.04.2004 schrieb Jeany Zoita Jakobsen um 15:09:

> The gol is to us MailScanner-4.29-.7-1 to get and send the post in and out the hospital.
> There is a reason  why not using the SpamAssassin package coming with Fedora
> Core 1. I dont know how to start this service. 

It depends on how you want to use it. There are several ways. You could
call spamc/spamd directly in a .procmailrc - like explained on the
SpamAssassin website - or you could handle SA calls through a different
program like a Milter application like MimeDefang or like you might
prefer running MailScanner. There is no difference between installing SA
from source or better using the FC1 RPM regarding it's call.

> Well thank you very much for ideea to install  RPM packaged clamav.
> I went to and  downloaded the pack clamav-0.70-1.src.rpm, 
> Followed the instructions at <> and then run:
> up2date -u clamav,

Why did you not read the papers in complete?

> used this command:
> # for i in `echo clamd clamav-milter freshclam sendmail`; do /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 $i on; done 
> > can not find information about service clamav-milter: No such of file or filecatalog 
> I do not know whay ( is missing in etc\init.d too)  this is hapening. But i am happy that is just clamav-milter this time.

That error message is absolutely logical. Didn't I point you to the nice
howto at So, how
would your system know about a clamav-milter service if you did not
install it? And I suspect too that you even not followed advises to
setup Sendmail to use the clamav milter.

> -Every were in every conf fil is staing that clamd should start firt and not in root.

The service calls through the preconfigured init scripts coming with the
packages are doing that automatically.

> But i have no info what shell i type to start the program. 
> This people i am doing the job (practis place) for want that MailScanner and clamav and SpamAssassin should start automaticlly.
> Is it posible?

Sure it is, but maybe they should pay someone with enough knowledge in
doing it ;) Sorry, but I feel you have much too  less knowledge. I say
that as a warning as setting up a mailserver alone is not trivial,
enhance it with SPAM fighting and anti-virus tools makes it certainly
not easier. And if you do not know how a system V OS/distribution like
Fedora acts running runlevel services you are plain in hell. Mixing
source installs and RPMs is suboptimal and I hardly doubt once you have
it running it will be a complete system you are able to keep up to date,
because it will be hard to manage. And especially a mail server and
anti-virus and SPAM fighting tools you have to continuously maintain!

I do not say this that clear because I am bad or do not like you :) I
only say that because of experience. I say that because I would go to
the medical doctor if I am ill and not to the slaughter or would let my
car repair by a garage and not by someone who has just seen cars on the

> Have a nice day,
> Jeany

> -I went to the etc/init.d and there was init script for clamad and freshclam (I felt to hug you);

Both coming with the clamav RPM.

> -I went to etc/mail/ and tok away the line with Spamassassin.

Ok. As I said in a previous mail, you can not call SA directly from
Sendmail like a Milter application, just because it is none.

> Now when i am starting  MailScanner i get the same warning as before:    
> Incoming sendmail:   WARNING: Xclamav: local socked name var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.sock missing 

Sure, because you did not have installed any clamav-milter, nor set it

I wish you much luck with all the things. Btw., how did you come to the
job? You are doing nothing trivial with needs for quite some good
knowledge about a Fedora/Redhat Linux distribution.



Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 1 (Yarrow) on Athlon CPU kernel 2.4.22-1.2179.nptl
Sirendipity 16:31:03 up 3 days, 23:16, load average: 0.21, 0.28, 0.25 
                   [ Γνωθι σ'αυτον - gnothi seauton ]
             my life is a planetarium - and you are the stars
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