How to boot without the X window system?

Charles Landau clandau at
Thu Apr 22 15:05:27 UTC 2004

>Elvio Caruana wrote:
>>When X starts and fails, press CRTL+ALT+F1 to go to console mode.
>>Log in as root, then edit /etc/inittab with your favourite editor.
>>You probably didn't know that you can go to a console by 
>>CTL+ALT+F[1-6] .. and that will solve you many problems.
>*He said he can't boot.  Thus he can't edit inittab*

Right. I actually did know about CRTL+ALT+F1, but once in console 
mode I don't get a login prompt.

>The easiest way is at the fedora splash menu

In my case that would be GRUB.

>press "a"
>then add "  3  " to the end of the line and boot to run level 3.

Thanks, that works. Now I'm able to start debugging my X problem.

>Now you can do what is needed to get X to run, simply use "startx" 
>to test it and "ctr-alt-bksp" to kill the server for the test.
>Once it is running properly just reboot back to the graphics mode.

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