seti service script - proper run level (still problems)

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Thu Apr 22 21:48:04 UTC 2004

Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

> At 10:15 4/22/2004, you wrote:
>> Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
>>> On fast machines, returning results every four or five hours, there 
>>> is significant time lost waiting two hours for the next run. Running 
>>> it twice per hour means that (on average) my box waits 15-20 minutes 
>>> idle before starting the next run.
>> This sounds like you mean the Seti process terminates and has to be 
>> restarted for each work unit. If it does, then something is wrong. I 
>> think mine has terminated on its own only once in a year and a half.
> Just checked on a couple of boxen and you are right... my setiathome 
> processes have been running for a long time.
My internet connection is sometimes flaky and the server is sometimes 
down.  Seti does terminate after finishing a package if it is unable to 
send the results and get a new task.  It does not terminate if the new 
package can be downloaded and processed.

To account for the occasional (infrequent) death of the client, and to 
restart seti if it has terminated I wrote a script that checks if seti 
is running and restarts it only if it has died.  I run this script from 
cron every 2 hours.  It does nothing if seti is still running, but tries 
to restart seti if it has died for some reason.

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