Firefox Launching Issue

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Wed Apr 14 13:48:44 UTC 2004

It would appear that on Apr 13, Jeff Kowing did say:

> On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 15:59, Mariano de Iriondo wrote:
> > Jarret R wrote:
> > | Is there anyway to make firefox launch a new window when a link (or
> > | launcher icon) is clicked when a firefox window already exists?
> > 
> > Yes:
> > firefox -remote 'openURL(, new-window)'
> > (creates a new window)
> > 
> > Or:
> > firefox -remote 'openURL(, new-tab)'
> > (creates a new tab)
> > 
> The /usr/bin/firefox script should already do this for you.  However,
> the firefox from uses new-window instead of new-tab.  I just
> manually edited /usr/bin/firefox to use new-tab.  I think when I last
> checked, firefox from Dag's (?) repo used new-tab but I'm not sure.

The /usr/bin/firefox script I got from Dag's repository (this week) uses
the "new-tab". Which thanks to this thread I figured out how to edit to
use "new-window" (I strongly prefer a new window over a new tab any

But aside from that, Dag's script ONLY worked if the 2nd firefox session
is opened with an argument. 

If I attempted to start the 2nd session with <alt+F2>firefox<ENTER>
with the intention of using a bookmark, it would give me that
select/create profile pop-up the original poster, and myself both were
trying to avoid.

Thanks again to this discussion, I figured out enough of the firefox
script to modify it so that even without an argument I get firefox.
If it's not the 1st session then it opens to a blank page instead of my
home page, which is useful to remind me that I've still got an existing
session to get back to... Works for me!

I've included my modification below. The original LAST LINE of Dag's
script is quote-marked with "=>" My additions are quote-marked with "->"

I was wondering why the original script didn't do something like this?
Certainly the writer of this script could have done so easily enough. So
I figure there must be a reason. 

Still it wouldn't be hard to include something like my 4 lines (only
commented out, and add some informative comment lines that explain
that you can get this behavior by uncommenting them. And perhaps why it's
not the default. 

Since Dag's script asks for fixes and suggestions, I've Bcc: a copy of this
to his listed mailbox. Who knows maybe Dag will post a better fix <grin>

-> if [ $RUNNING -eq 0 ]; then
-> exec /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -remote "openURL(,new-window)" $MOZARGS $@ &
-> else
=> exec /usr/lib/firefox/firefox $MOZARGS $@ &
-> fi

|      ?           ?		
|        -=-   -=-	 I'm NOT clueless...    	
|        <?>   <?>    	But I just don't know.  	
|            ^          Joe (theWordy) Philbrook           
|           ---  	     J(tWdy)P
|			  <jtwdyp at> 
|      ?           ?		

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