Qos/TrafficShaping(on Shorewall) Howto available for Web-viewing

Homer hparker at homershut.net
Thu Apr 29 19:35:07 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 21:08, Ow Mun Heng wrote:

> Actually, I updated the docs yesterday. I did mention that we can perform 
> QoS on incoming connection but that would really mean, either dropping 
> packets as they come in or severely limitting your downstream bandwidth.
> I don't really think you can somehow Shape what your ISP sends you 
> unless you have access to the ISP's routers etc.
> If I am mistake, please educate me. 

	Since I am the ISP ;) None the less, you will drop some packets in the
download, but... As best as I know, when you don't ACK the packets to
the sending machine, it'll slow down the transport until the ACKs keep

Homer <hparker at homershut.net>

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