FC2 Ethernet and Wireless settings

Scot L. Harris webid at cfl.rr.com
Tue Aug 10 18:24:18 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-10 at 14:14, Kevin Wang wrote:
> Indeed. I miss the original pcmcia method of configuring the cards.
> you could id them by mac or some other distinguishing trait.
> I've occasionally re-implemented functionality like that, but usually
> what I do instead is that I ahve an 'idle' script that detects active
> network connections, refuses to shut down, but eventually kill
> sendmail, eject pcmcia card, and then put the machine to sleep.
> On resume, it just tries network key 1 (work) and network key 2 (home)
> and 'any' (open network).  It tries to get a dhcp address within 5
> seconds, otherwise it switches between the keys until it finds a
> network.  If none of these is correct, I have the keys encoded in
> /usr/local/etc/iwkey to do it "by hand", for example
> '/usr/local/etc/iwkey george_house' or '/usr/local/etc/iwkey
> michelle_house'
> So it's still very much a manual process, but I prefer it that way,
> since I can usually type the command faster than some automatic system
> trying all possible networks that I've visited before.
> I can clean up and post the script if anyone's interested.
>    - Kevin

Is there a bugzilla open for this?  It is something that needs to be
addressed as some point.

I would be interested in looking over the scripts you mentioned.  Can
probably learn much from that.  

Scot L. Harris <webid at cfl.rr.com>

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