2.6.7 kernel

Simon Andrews simon.andrews at bbsrc.ac.uk
Thu Aug 12 15:27:00 UTC 2004

Mark Haney wrote:
> I take it the 2.6.7 kernel can't be setup to boot with a boot floppy 
> using  mkbootdisk?  I've been trying for 3 days now and can't get it to 
> write a  good one.  I recall seeing something about it, but I can't seem 
> to find  where I saw that.  Any ideas?


Look for the --iso option to mkbootdisk and take it from there...

> And before any one asks, I have to use a boot disk as my HP machine  
> continues to format the MBR when I install GRUB.

Do you have boot sector virus protection turned on in your BIOS?  If so 
you need to disable it before you can successfully write to the MBR. 
Are you definitely supplying a device name rather than a partition when 
you issue the command (eg grub-install /dev/hda NOT grub-install /dev/hda1)?

It seems unlikely that the MBR is getting rewritten on boot, much more 
likely that it isn't being written to start with, or that it's written 
to the wrong place.


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