FC1 user dissapointed

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu Aug 12 15:35:18 UTC 2004

Am Do, den 12.08.2004 schrieb Felix Mathais um 17:13:
> The module in question is the tulip module. all ok in FC1 but all goes wrong in FC2.
> Felix

Second part of my reply:

Please start a new thread with a speaking subject line. And please give
there good information about your situation, what kind of network card
it is (ISA?), what you did try so far and what the system reports.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 (Tettnang) kernel 2.6.7-1.494.2.2smp 
Serendipity 17:33:27 up 8 days, 11:01, load average: 1.12, 1.13, 1.20 
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