RHEL and Alsa

Randy Kelsoe randykel at swbell.net
Sat Aug 14 14:20:47 UTC 2004

Bjorn Andersen wrote:

>Sorry for writing in this list, but i dont know where else to write...
>I have RHEL3 WS, but it cant find my sound device (2.4 kernel and OSS).
>Is there any where an guide to install Alsa sound on RHEL? i know the
>http://freshrpms.net/docs/alsa/ but cant find any rpms for RHEL. Maby i
>can use the RH9 source pacages, but where can i find them? And where can
>i find the sources of kernel-module-alsa so i can compile it for RHEL?

You can get the source rpm's from freshrpm's. Get the alsa-driver, 
alsa-lib, and alsa-utils source rpms and rebuild them:

        rpmbuild --rebuild --target athlon 
        rpmbuild --rebuild --target athlon alsa-lib-1.0.5a-1.src.rpm
        rpmbuild --rebuild --target athlon alsa-utils-1.0.5a-1.src.rpm

(replace athlon with your cpu type)
Then, go to the /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/athlon (replace athlon with your 
cpu type) and install the newly created rpms. Then run alsaconf, and 
modprobe snd-card-0 and modprobe sound-slot-0. Be sure and turn the 
mixer volume up.

When you upgrade your kernel, you will have to recompile the alsa-driver 
source rpm. You will only need to install the kernel-module-alsa rpm for 
the new kernel.

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