Generating PGP keys Was:attached messages

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Tue Aug 17 04:41:51 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Aug 14, Charles Heselton did say:

> On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 11:32:58 -0700, Mike Ramirez <mike at> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm using Evolution and just wondering how I can generate and set the
> > pgp key into my emails?  I have never done this before thanks.
> You should be able to just create you key:
> gpg --gen-key
> Then in evolution, make sure "PGP Sign" is enabled.  Finally in your
> mail settings, it asks for the fingerprint of your key.  Put in your
> hex fingerprint, and it should aign every message you send.

Pardon me But I missed the start of this thread, but I'd like to suggest
an alternative. 

I use a two method approach. I do make some use of the gpg capabilities
available to my chosen mail client via ez-pine-gpg.  Which works nicely
with gpg sigs embedded in the body of an email. And offers some on the
fly encryption choices to the send command.

But when it comes to verifying that the text I wrote has not been
modified I choose to do my gpg signing with my editor. More specifically
to be applied to the output of my last spell check. 

In my case, I mapped four vim command keys to the following:

1) Save the current text document to the repetitively reused filename in
   my personal file-system. Then invoke aspell on it.  

:map s :w^M:w! $spellfile^M:!aspell -c $spellfile^M

2) Retrieve the spell checked file, overwriting current file contents.
   Note: (If performed in error; undo does work...)

:map S :w^MG:r $spellfile^Mkd1G

3) Insert info on where to find my public key and create an ascii hash
   coded signed copy of the spell checker output in another repetitively
   reused filename.

:map <C-s>  :!cat $spellfile $sig/gpglink >${spellfile}._-_^M:!rm ${spellfile}.asc :!gpg --output ${spellfile}.asc --clearsign ${spellfile}._-_

4) Retrieve the signed ascii file, overwriting current file contents.
   Note: (If performed in error; undo does work...)

:map <C-g> :w^MG:r ${spellfile}.asc^Mkd1G

This method has the distinct advantage of forcing me to bother to
spell-check before I make the signed version. 

- -- 
|				      ---   ---
|     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook	      <o>   <o>
|	   J(tWdy)P			  ^
|	<<jtwdyp at>>		/---\	"bla bla bla..."
|					\___/	"...and bla..."

   At least I know my mouth is running, I just can't find the off button!

   # You can find my public gpg key at  #

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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