Error compiling kernel

Tony Mai tonylmai at
Thu Aug 19 17:51:20 UTC 2004

Hello all,

I tried to recompile the kernel to include supports
for Toshiba laptop. After 30 minutes or so into the
'make zImage', the compiler stop and gave me the
following error:

Root device is (3,2)
Boot sector 512 bytes
Setup is 5039 bytes
System is 1538 bytes
System is too big. Try using bzImage or modules.

Question: What does this mean and why would it care so
much about such minicure memory that it aborted the
entire process?

Everything worked after I followed its advice and did
a 'make bzImage'. I am just a little confused about
the memory message. Can someone explain to me what it
tried to do here?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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