Thunderbird Goodness

Bob Chiodini chiodr at
Fri Aug 20 17:14:59 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 10:21, Andy Choens wrote:
> So, I'm thinking about changing from Evolution to Thunderbird.  It seems 
> to be able to do everything I need.  I just have one niggle, and I 
> thought I would see if anyone could help me here.
> As I understand it, when I go to Preference > Preferred Applications, 
> and I set my browser as /opt/fire fox/fire fox I am actually setting my 
> preference for the script htmlview.  I can call multiple windows of fire 
> fox without error.  But, if thunderbird opens a URL, and I already have 
> firefox running, I am asked to select a user profile.  I think this is 
> rather odd.  Anyone know a way around this?
> I am running the latest stable releases of both fire fox and 
> thunderbird.  I have them installed in /opt, I am not using RPM for this 
> because the repositories aren't keeping up well with the release schedule

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