Soundcard configuration lost following a reboot

antonio montagnani anto.montagnani at
Sun Aug 29 19:10:17 UTC 2004

Nick Pierpoint wrote/ha scritto, On/il 29/08/2004 21:05:

>On Sun, 2004-08-29 at 13:15, Michael Schwendt wrote:
>>On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 11:57:22 +0100, Nick Pierpoint wrote:
>>>My soundcard configuration is lost each time I reboot - thankfully a
>>>rare event but annoying nonetheless.
>>>If I reboot and run system-config-soundcard then everything is pretty
>>>much fine. However, following a reboot the system will be silent again.
>>>Does anyone know what system-config-soundcard actually does?
>>>The content of /etc/modprobe.conf is untouched by by
>>>system-config-soundcard when I run it - is this the expected behaviour
>>>or is something awry?
>>>I'm running FC2 - recently upgraded from RH9.
>>Is the soundcard listed in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf? If so, cut out the
>>block and run /usr/sbin/kudzu as root. Following the instructions,
>>you should see activity in /etc/modprobe.conf
>Thanks Michael - worked a treat. The first time no changes were made to
>modprobe.conf but after I deleted the snd entry and repeated kudzu then
>it was re-created (correctly this time). The configuration is now
>happily still there after a reboot. Many thanks.
>One outstanding issue is that there's no output from the CD player.
>System sounds and xmms are fine but not output from the CD player -
>still looking around for a solution though...
>Thanks again.
Is the cable connecting the CD player and the soundcard???


 Antonio M.

 Working with  Mozilla 1.7.2 on Redhat Linux Fedora Core 2
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