rdesktop connectting to multiple XP bedhide a router

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Thu Aug 5 16:03:41 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-08-05 at 08:18, Barry Yu wrote:
> Would appreciate if any one can direct me to a how-to using rdesktop to 
> connect more than one XP behide a router,
> thanks
seems many of the answers are making this too hard

on the router - port forward different ports to different hosts

i.e. on my routers, I will configure them (be they Linux or a Linksys
type router)

public_ip port 1389 -> internal_host_1 port 3389
public_ip port 2389 -> internal_host_2 port 3389
public_ip port 3389 -> internal_host_3 port 3389
and so forth

and then whether I use rdesktop or Windows Remote Desktop, I enter the
proper ip and port...

connect to: public_ip:1389 #for host 1


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