Inappropriate content in Fedora Core 2

James Wilkinson james at
Sat Aug 7 08:30:05 UTC 2004

Aaron Gaudio wrote:
> fortune has had the -o option for a long time, and in fact I think
> Fedora and RH doesn't even ship with the 'offensive' fortunes. That's
> the way to do it; let the developers have fun, but inform the users as
> much as possible and let them choose how risque they are willing to be
> with their systems. 

Actually, these days they don't ship fortune at all: I understood that
there was too much risk of copyright infringement [1] for a basic toy.

But they never did ship the offensive ones outside a SRPM. And you're
right, that's the way to do it!


[1] Distributing the entire text of a poem is copyright infringement
under UK, US, and lots of other legal systems.

E-mail address: james@ | "Reliability went through the floor, tunnelled its    | way to the centre of the Earth, and perished in the
                       | magma."
                       |     -- Saundo

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