FC2 Ethernet and Wireless settings

Peter Smith pasmith at wbmpl.com.au
Wed Aug 11 22:33:17 UTC 2004

Scot L. Harris wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 00:18, Peter Smith wrote:

>I think there is way to configure different network profiles and then
>select which one you want to use.  Have not done this myself but I found
>this which may get you going the right direction.
Thanks, this looks useful.

>The best place to look is using netstat -rn which will list your routing
>information.  Make sure the default gateway is set correctly and that
>you can ping it.
Thanks, again.

>Is it possible you are using a duplicate IP address?  If you happen to
>grab an IP that another machine is using the gateway would send reply
>packets to the other device until its arp cache is flushed or forced to
>re-arp at which time your machines MAC address would be added to its arp
>cache.  Then you would have access through the gateway.
I'll check that, but I doubt it.

>Check the man pages on the system.  Lots of good info there.  Make sure
>you have resolv.conf configured correctly.  It needs to contain the DNS
>servers IP addresses either for your ISP at home or for your works DNS
>servers depending on which network you are on.
I was using man ifconfig, man iwconfig and man route.  The problem is 
knowing what commands might be useful.
In the old days (HP-UX) the man pages listed all the files affected - 
that seems to have gone out of fashion :-(

>DHCP will usually provide that information if you are able to use DHCP.
>>Thanks a lot,
Thanks again,

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