attached messages

Clint Harshaw clint at
Fri Aug 13 19:12:54 UTC 2004

Mark Haney wrote:

   13:24:00  up 1 day, 14:31,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.06, 0.09
       One billion seconds ago it was 10:37:20 CST Tue 12/05/72

Okay, how do you do that?  I mean get your systems stats in your tagline?
I've always wanted to do that.

You can use this little perl script (most of which I found elsewhere on 
the 'net). I've got another one with your local weather if you want 
also. Depending on what you use for your email client, it's (typically) 
a simple matter to make your signature file be output from a script in 
the preferences. I haven't figured out how to do it with Mozilla mail, 
though. One caveat: if the uptime is less than 24 hours, it won't 
display correctly, but I'll leave it for you to fix  ;-) Be sure to make 
it executable.

Have fun with it,


# get current kernel version
$version = `uname -ro`;

# get current uptime
@uptime = split /\s+/, qx(uptime);
($hours, $minutes) = split /[:,]/, $uptime[5];
$disp = "Uptime: " . $uptime[3] . " days " . $hours . " hours and ".
$minutes . " minutes.";

# version string has built-in newline.
print "   ~\n";
print "  . .     Fred Flintstone   <fflintstone\>\n";
print "  /V\\    \n";
print " // \\\\   Kernel: $version";
print "/(   )\\  $disp\n";
print " ^`~'^\n";


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