(newbie) sendmail Masquerading Help?

Harry Putnam reader at newsguy.com
Sat Aug 14 22:38:46 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz <alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de> writes:

> From what Jorge quoted as communication is the SMTP dialog with his
> Sendmail, not the MTA of verizon.net. Please review the whole process
> Jorge posted. Even if you use a smart host with Sendmail, the local
> Sendmail acts as an intermediary, it queues the mail to send out until
> it got processed with the smart host.

On reviewing the thread several times, I see what you mean about the
message being local.  But if you look at the bounce error, it appears
to be copied from the mailer daemon bounce notice not from the output
of `mail -v' 

  >>> MAIL From:<jorge at satyr.bogus.jl> SIZE=334 AUTH=<>
  <<< 553 satyr.bogus.jl does not exist
  501 5.6.0 Data format error

I'm still thinking its his smart host doing the rejection and
error. Hope not to be clouding things up here.... and for Jorge's
benefit let me state that I am far from expert in sendmail matters.

> I would like to see what Jorge has in his /etc/hosts file, for localhost
> and satyr.bogus.jl.

Yes, that would be good.

Harry wrote:
>> It is unable to lookup his bogus fqdn.  And unless he masquerades as
>> an domain that machine knows, it will not let him relay.  Hence his
>> setting Masquerade_as = verizon.net.  Seems correct to me.

Alexander responded:
> That the FQDN couldn't be looked up irritated me too. Whether verizon
> requires a resolvable FQDN for all who send mail through their customers
> MTA (acting as smart host) should be pointed out by the support of
> verizon.

I'm confused here.  What do you mean by `through their customers MTA'?
Why would a customers MTA be acting as smart_host?  

I'm either really missing the big picture or it is Verizons own smtp
machine that is acting as Smart_host to Jorge's outgoing sendmail
processes.  And that it requires incoming mails source IP to be
resolvable is not unusual.  It happens to me even in domains unrelated
to my ISP, if I don't either masqerade as my ISP or use genericstables
to get the same sort of result.  That is that, "envelope From" appear
to be from a resolvable host.

I'm very curious why masquerading as `jorge.cc' would make things

I'm wondering if that setting ever made it into sendmail.cf and if
sendmail was restarted thereafter.

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