Auto-Mounting and Unmounting CDs, DVDs, USB drives etc.

Scott angrykeyboarder at
Fri Dec 3 20:57:09 UTC 2004

fedora-list at wrote:

>Dear Fedora List,
>When I show off my brand new FC3 system to Windows-centric friends, we 
>invariably get to a point where they'd like to see me open a Windows Media 
>File, or a MS Word Document. I'm proud that Xine and OpenOffice can do that, 
>only to be embarassed when my computer won't return the CD they've given me 
>the files on. ....

This isn't limited to Linux.  I've had the same "problem" occasionally 
in Windows.    The solution there was the same as it is in Linux.  Use 
software to eject the CD.  The eject command or context-menu option in a 

Personally, I've always found that way more convenient anyway.

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