Progress: opposed to innovation?

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Mon Dec 13 09:42:26 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 08:08 +0000, Michael A. Peters wrote:

> There actually is a sane reason for moving away from xmms as default -  
> I don't know if this is Fedora's reason, but I'll offer it anyway.
> Rhythmbox uses a GStreamer backend. GStreamer is a multimedia framework  
> that many applications can use - install appropriate plugin, and lots  
> of apps benefit. xmms also uses plugins, but they are for xmms -  
> GStreamer is a framework intended for use by LOTS of multimedia  
> players, video and audio, and even to provide multimedia capability to  
> apps who's primary purpose is not multimedia. I think there is a GPS  
> application for nar navigation that uses GStreamer for its audio  
> output, for example.
> With respect to Rhythmbox - I have become less fond of it as it has  
> gotten older. I can't pinpoint why.

    I know why (at least here): Gstreamer isn't done yet. Switching
between video or audio clips either crashes it or at least confuses it
to the point of having to retart it.  Under FC2, I could count on having
the thing kill the app (or at least not play) a media clip as expected.
Oggs were fine, but having three choices for DVD players is a good
thing- very few work right outta the box on any one DVD.  Totem? Breaks
every time, here.

    Specifically, when changing from WLSAM in the morning to the music
library means crashing RB. So does changing back.  And you can't STOP a
library entry...only pause it.  Maybe that's part of the issue.

> Currently I primarily use gamp - a GStreamer backend audio player that  
> will play my aac filres. I really like the UI of another GStreamer  
> player, Eina - but it does not work on fc3 for me. Another one I have  
> been looking at is Jamboree. It only wants to play mp3 and ogg at the  
> moment, but it is faster than Rhythmbox at startup (I haven't tested it  
> with a huge library) and offers smart playlist etc. It's young (all of  
> the Rhythmbox alternatives are) but I'm hoping that it will mature, add  
> support for audio other than ogg/mp3 - it's a nice player.

    I'll take a peek; thanks!

> >  I kill it,
> > part stays behind and keeps the CPU usage at 100%, mysteriously.  When it
> > eventually gets done, it will *still* play the same song twice in a
> > row, despite shuffle being turned on.
> That I haven't experienced myself.

    Happens every day that I play a small set of files (<500).  It's not
one that _sounds_ like it or a remix- it's the exact same file.  The -
devel list for RB doesn't even act like it's a problem or respond to my
mentions of it.

> >  Evolution's new- let's see what's
> > been added:  Connector. (Great if I'm ever sentenced to a workplace
> > with Windows, there must be more) Well, they've moved things around, the
> > 'map it' fuction's still not there, musta been some _other_ version of 2.0
> > it was intended to be introduced in.  The fonts are uglier....nothing
> > much else changed.
> I don't like evolution myself.
> I prefer Balsa. Balsa has its own quirks, but less than evolution imho.
> The balsa that ships with FC3 doesn't work so well, but 2.2.5 does.

    Yeah, Basla's nice, and I've tried Sylpheed, too.  I might find
myself back there if one of'em improves their PGP handling to the point
that Evolution has. (Built-in, no attachments, etc).

    I guess I'll just keep an eye open for alternatives; thanks.  At
least talking about it made me feel better....thanks for listening.
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