Some root mail not coming through [Solved]

John Swartzentruber jswartzen at
Wed Dec 15 14:21:56 UTC 2004

On 12/15/2004 12:26 AM Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 04:22, John Swartzentruber wrote:
>>I *may* have found the problem. It seems everything I thought was 
>>happening was really a red herring. I believe the problem was not that 
>>the logwatch messages were not being sent or received, it was that the 
>>logwatch in the cron was never finishing. Before I turned on Arthur, I 
>>tried running /etc/cron.daily/00-logwatch directly. It just sat there 
>>for a long time. Then a light went on in my head. I have an NFS mount 
>>for arthur in my /etc/fstab on buster. When I umount that, 00-logwatch 
>>finishs when I run in directly. Something in the logwatch process 
>>appears to be waiting for /mnt/arthur to be valid before the program 
> Well.. did it solve your problems then???
> Would make sense, but I can't understand why cron would just complain
> and get on with life??

Yes, that solved the problem. I've been getting the messages ever since 
I unmounted that one thing. I have no idea why it caused everything to 
hang for so long. It seems that it would eventually timeout and get on 
with life, as you say.

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