ftp server

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Fri Dec 17 17:50:06 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Nifty" == Nifty Hat Mitch <mitch48 at sbcglobal.net> writes:

    Nifty> I happen to like vsftpd as suggested by Alexander.  You
    Nifty> should also know that there are additional ftp choices.
    Nifty> One important one to consider is sftp/sftp-server:

    Nifty> understand why we recommend vsftpd and also why most of us
    Nifty> turn off almost all forms of ftp and block ftp at our
    Nifty> firewall.

Tnank-you Mitch.
I am aware of sftp - I only wanted an ftp server for testing some ftp
clinet programming I had done. So everything is within the firewall.
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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