Mozilla and powerpoint files

Robert kerplop at
Wed Dec 29 17:46:57 UTC 2004

I'm *almost* certain that in FC1 if Mozilla was pointed toward a power 
point file, an OpenOffice Impress window would open in Mozilla, the file 
would be loaded and you could do with it anything you could if the file 
was local and OpenOffice was opened as a stand-alone. It doesn't work 
that way with FC3 and I haven't found any discussion about it.

Specifically, will 
result in the OpenOffice window being opened but the slide show will not 
  work.  This is using Mozilla, epiphany or firefox browsers -- all 
mozilla based.  However, if I open that URL in Konquerer, it works fine.

Can someone either confirm this or tell me I'm imagining things?
(Hey! Maybe I'm dizzy from imagining I'm on that bridge! :-))

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