Dual boot installation with two disks

A. Lanza alf at lanza-ti.com
Thu Dec 2 11:39:44 UTC 2004

Hi list,

i have one new machine with 2 hard drives and i'd like to install both
Windows XP and Fedora Linux. 99,9% of the time i use Fedora but,
unluckily, i still need to have XP installed. Having 2 disks, ¿can i
install Fedora in one of them and XP in the other? Will i be able to use
grub to boot the system either from one disk or from another? So far, i
have only experimented with a 1 hard drive dual installation, and
everything has been all right. Well... almost ;)

The reason i've thought doing things this way is because i'd like to
have one entire drive dedicated to Fedora, keeping XP in the other
drive. I also would like to install some other distribution, maybe
dedicating half of the disk space to Fedora and the other half to one
another. Will i be able to do this?



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