FC3: Problems with mounting USB harddisk

Stephan Groß st.gross at gmx.de
Fri Dec 10 09:56:38 UTC 2004

Am Freitag, 10. Dezember 2004 10:09 schrieb Michael A. Peters:

> As far existing files on the disk, they will only be writable by the
> UID that created them (or GID if group has write permissions) because
> ext2/ext3 preserves permissions as a filesystem - fat32 doesn't.
> As root, create a directory on the ext3 partition, and give rwx to your
> user. I bet your user can then rwx in that directory, no matter who
> mounts it. That's probably what you need to do - create directories on
> it owned by the users that are allowed to use it. Then those users can
> use it. Or you could create a directory on it with 777 permissions -
> like /tmp is (I think you also would want to set the sticky but, not
> positive)

This is of course the solution and it has been my own stupidity and ignorance 
that made me seeing a problem where no is.

Thank you everyone for your comments.


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