Moving Mozilla cache to /tmp?

Deron Meranda deron.meranda at
Sat Dec 25 01:04:02 UTC 2004

> > Does anyone know if there's an easy way to mass-reconfigure mozilla to
> > stick the cache directory in some private subdirectory under /tmp?

An easy way might just be to replace the cache directory with an
appropriate symlink to somewhere else.

  rm -fr /home/jsmith/.mozilla/default/xxxxxxxx.slt/Cache
  ln -s /tmp/user-jsmith/mozcache 

Then on the user's desktop create the cache directory under /tmp and set it's
ownership and permissions appropriately.  It *should* work.

As for the "mass" part, that's what shell scripts are for.

Also, all the pathnames that mozilla uses are burried inside the "prefs.js"
file.  You can use the URL "about:config" as the safest way to edit those.

Deron Meranda

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