Memory Consumption

Julien Tane jta at
Sun Feb 1 18:51:46 UTC 2004

Hello Fred,

thanks a lot. I had been wondering in the last days.  I mean this is O.K 
now... But Can it be that some useless things are cached or buffered.

Is there a way to find out what  is buffered or cached ( or perhaps tell 
which application buffer and cache so much ?).



fred smith wrote:

>On Sun, Feb 01, 2004 at 07:19:13PM +0100, Julien Tane wrote:
>>Can anyone tell me what in my computer  takes so much RAM?
>>            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
>>Mem:        514592     390860     123732          0      23684     215796
>>-/+ buffers/cache:     151380     363212                ^^^^^^     ^^^^^^
>>Swap:      1020088          0    1020088
>You asked:
>>So where are the 200M  missing memory ?
>>Can you give me a hint?
>Yes, look at the "cached" and "buffers" lines in your posting above.
>Those two total to  around 235-240 megabytes.
>This is NORMAL. Linux does this ON PURPOSE. you've got all that RAM sitting
>there that would otherwise be DOING NOTHING, so the kernel puts it to use
>providing perfomance-enhancing buffering and caching. These things can be
>quickly freed if necessary, in case some program suddenly demands additional
>RAM, so it's not like it's a problem.

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