
Dexter Ang thepoch at
Tue Feb 3 04:42:33 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 20:18, Sturla Holm Hansen wrote:
> I'm having probles when using nautilus to browse smb-shares, either on
> another linux-box or on a windoze-box, it takes ages to connect, then
> I'm asked for a password and then it takes ages again.
> Finally I get a list of the shares on the box, when double-clicking one
> of them it takes ages AGAIN, but when I'm finally inside a share things
> seem to be working fine....
> Any ideas?
> Sturla

are you talking about typing "smb://" in the nautilus location bar? and
then expecting that it will show workgroups available, and just click on
those and show machines with shares? first of all, i believe you need
one of the machines to become the master for netbios/wins in your lan.
second, you need to make sure you have the rule:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --sport 137 -j

nautilus will try to connect to port 137/udp, and also receives
responses from port 137/udp, so you basically have to open up 137 on
your machine. i hope this helps somehow.


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