2.6.1 kernel compile and installation with GRUB

cdrobsonjr at netscape.net cdrobsonjr at netscape.net
Wed Feb 4 06:27:20 UTC 2004

Dear Linux friends,

I am a noob and a boob when it comes to kernel compilation.

I downloaded the source from kernel.org and unpacked it in my home
directory. I ran make mrproper (didn't need to?), make xconfig,
make dep, make clean, and make bzImage.  Then I ran make modules and
make modules_install.
Now I'm to the point of trying to put the results where they need to be
and modify GRUB to be able to boot into this new kernel.
But...all the instructions I have found so far (especially the ones
that came with the kernel source) only document what to change if
you are using lilo or loadlin.  I'm a Fedora guy with GRUB.

Few other questions:  I looked for a file called bzImage in my /boot
directory and can't find it.  I found vmlinux instead.  Am I supposed
to rename bzImage to something like vmlinux-2.6.1 and put it in the
/boot directory?  And then change the symlink vmlinux to it?

Also, there were a couple of other files in /boot for which I cannot find
equivalents in my new compiled kernel source tree. The are equivalents for
initrd-2.4.22-1.2149.nptl and vmlinuz-2.4.22-1.2149.nptl.
And why is there a symlink of vmlinux-2.4.22-1.2149.nptl pointing to
/lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2149.nptl/vmlinux ? What is that file?
I looked in my present grub.conf and found that it uses two things: 
a vmlinuz and an initrd file names.  I can't find anything in what
I compiled that would obviously get put in /boot for GRUB to use.

Too many questions - all showing I don't know what I'm doing.
I know - dangerous.  But, this system is for me to learn on.
So far I have not been able to find help on the web.  To make matters
worse for me, the kernel HOWTO has been removed !  Hopefully they will
update it to include directions for using GRUB.
Anybody have time to walk me through what all else I need to do to
get this kernel useable?

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