Security updates are too slow or none existant

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Sun Feb 8 01:05:18 UTC 2004

Chuck Mize said:
> On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 16:25, Ernest L. Williams Jr. wrote:
>> The Debian solution seems more reasonable!  Why don't you just get these
>> security updates into Fedora like some of the other reputable linux
>> distros e.g. Debian.
> Then why don't you demand your money back and go use Debian? Oh that's
> right, you didn't have to pay anything for Fedora...

Hear hear!

Yes, it is taking a while for the infrastructure for community
involvement, but is it getting there.  In the mean time, there are a
number of external repos that would probably host RPMs for you after
making the "easy patches" for testing.  Posting the fact that such and
such a patch applies cleanly and you are using it day to day would
probably help.

William Hooper

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