Security updates are too slow or none existant

Chuck Mize cmize at
Sun Feb 8 03:54:35 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 19:14, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> Chuck,
> > I'll repeat the question again: Can you name any security exploits that
> > exist that haven't been addressed?
> As you seem to be unwilling to investigate this yourself, despite
> pointers handed to you by others, I'll help you out. As the original
> poster (Nathan) stated there are many unresolved issues, as well as
> issues that linger in testing but are never announced (as a security
> update). Patches that linger in testing are probably not observed by 99%
> of users, especially if they are not announced as security updates.

So your whining about fixes for problems that are a few weeks old for an
operating system that you got for free. Amazing, truly amazing...

Fedora is still a fairly new distribution and just because it has it's
roots in RedHat doesn't mean that it has the same background
infrastructure as the current Redhat offerings. If you are really
concerned about these types of minor security updates then you shouldn't
use Fedora until the infrastructure is in place that allows the
community to address them.

Comparing Fedora updates to Debian updates or updates from any other
distribution is pointless.

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