Linus Virus Scanner-- hijacked !

M.Hockings veeshooter at
Mon Feb 9 02:16:15 UTC 2004

John Li wrote:

>>Thread hijacking, 'untrimmed' posts etc. _are_ indeed a 
>>serious problem
>On the subject of 'thread hijacking', much needless bandwidth
>has been taken up criticizing 'thread hijacking', when  poor
>thread-tracking software appears to be at fault.  If the subject
>line has been changed, a new thread should be considered
>to be created.  In other areas, it is common practice to reply
>to an email in order to get the target address and use the
>correct sender's email, but change the subject line and the
>content.  This behavior will probably not change--we should
>avoid the programmer's pitfall of making users' habits fit
>the software, and instead make software fit users' habits.
I think that sometimes it is useful to continue the thread but update 
the subject as appropriate.

Now, maybe it might be convenient for the unwary if the email programs 
were to reset the links if both the subject and content are wiped and 
re-written.  However, the current  operation is, I would say, working as 
designed.  Just that now there are soooo many new people on the Web that 
don't comprehend the design. ;-)


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